Our Team
Our staff come from a variety of backgrounds but each one has been drawn to this mission through a commitment to living their faith and pursuing excellence. Our instructors each have a minimum of one year of experience either in ministry, adventure facilitation, or both, and some have up to 20 years of experience under their belts.
COR staff and instructors are committed to making Christ the center of every course we offer.
Leadership Team
Sarah Carlstrom
Director of Client Relations
Zachary Carlstrom
Assistant Director
Karl Eby
Outdoor Leadership Program Assistant Director
Thomas Zimmer Ph.D.
Executive Director
Full-Time Staff
Brandon D'Arienzo
Missionary Instructor
Marley Green
Social Media Coordinator
Jacob Gruber
Operations Manager
Andre Klaes
Missionary Instructor
Valerie Kuzma
Administrative Coordinator
Rose Kwasniewski
Registrations Coordinator
Emilie Litow
Contracts Coordinator
Elizabeth "Betz" Meluch
Course Director
Laura Montreuil
Administrative Assistant
Margaret Mary Serchen
Missionary Instructor
Hannah Sullivan
Missionary Instructor
Jack Swindell
Course Director
Sean Wood
COR Formation and Fundraising Coordinator
2025 Adjunct Instructors
Tessa Mallona
Moira Milligan
Cecilia Pautler
Chris Rand
Clare Campana
David Carey
Jacob Ramaekers
Marissa Daskiewicz