Frassati Fellowship

Buena Vista, CO - August 3rd 2025

Celebrate the Canonization of Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati the way he would - with Mass and community in the mountains!

COR Expeditions invites you and your family to join in the celebration of our patron Frassati’s canonization on Sunday, August 3rd at our property in Buena Vista, CO. The day will be a celebration of a holy man who lived life to the full, starting with a sunrise 14er climb and ending with Mass, fellowship, and a meal after a day of mountain climbing.

  • Is the 14er hike guided by COR?

    No, the 14er hike is not guided by COR; it is simply a gathering of friends hiking together. COR does not assume liability or permitting for this activity and each person choosing to hike should be able to take personal responsibility for his or her own needs throughout the day. Families should make decisions about their and their children’s ability level on their own. Each person should bring all necessary equipment, including food, water, and emergency supplies, that they might require. More information on which fourteener we will hike and where the group should meet will be provided to participants; the fourteener will be class 3 (non technical) and in the Buena Vista valley. Depending on the number of people attending and their experience levels we might do 2 different peaks, an easier Class III route and a more technical Class IV route. 

    What should we bring to the Mass and meal at the COR property?

    Please bring anything necessary to be comfortable based on conditions (layers, sunscreen, etc.) We strongly suggest bringing camping chairs, water bottles, and headlamps; sports supplies and musical instruments are welcome! The property is high desert so closed toe shoes are recommended. If you have serious dietary restrictions or allergies, we also suggest bringing supplies for your own meal (including your own stove if the meal needs to be cooked) due to the possibility of cross contamination. 

    Is there any charge for this event?

    No, there is no charge for this event! However, we do ask that you RSVP by July 19th so that we can make adequate arrangements for food and supplies. Donations are gratefully accepted and can be made in person or on our website here.

    Who can participate? 

    All are welcome, from high schoolers, young adults, to families and older adults. Anyone under 18 must have a parent or guardian with them. Younger children can certainly camp and join the property portions of the trip.  

    Are there camping options?

    Yes! Tent camping is an option at our property on Saturday, August 2. The property has outhouses but is otherwise set up as a primitive campground. Anyone spending the night on the property must sign our waiver as part of the registration process. Campers must provide their own water and food for the weekend, besides the lunch on Sunday, August 3rd. Campers must abide by any fire regulations in effect; if fires are allowed, campers must provide their own firewood. Any inappropriate or unsafe behavior will not be tolerated. If you would like to spend the night in your vehicle, know that the parking lot is a short walk from the campground and closer to the highway.

    Contact COR with any questions!

  • For those wishing to camp on Saturday, please show up anytime after 6pm Saturday evening; food will not be provided, but you are welcome to bring your own dinner. Camp with the group and enjoy a fire (if permitted, stargazing, and great fellowship. Anyone participating in the fourteener hike should be prepared for an alpine start (leaving the property parking lost as early as 4:30am or meeting at the trailhead by 5am) and should bring all personal food and water needed for the day. Following the hike, we will reconvene at the BV property camp location between 12-1PM for a BBQ provided by COR. We will finish eating by 2:30PM to fast for Mass and enjoy a short talk and small group discussions. Sunday Mass will take place at 3:30PM on the property. More details will be sent to those who RSVP to the event. You are welcome to participate in the whole day's activities, or to simply join us for lunch and Mass!